This is one of those tools that makes you rethink a whole concept, in this case the Clipboard. No matter if you are used to use the Windows Clipboard or not, this application empowers it a lot, providing you with a whole new range of possibilities.
You can choose between the sponsored version – for free – in wich you will be seeing ads for software applications produced by the same software company, and the really affordable registered version. For only 9,95 you won't have to deal with annoying browser windows all the time.
So, what can ClipPad995 do that the regular clipboard can't?
First of all, it can take multiple screenshots and save them for you to choose later wich ones are useful or good, even after reboot of the system. All you have to do is to push the Print Screen button of your keyboard everytime you like, and ClipPad995 does its work. Also, ClipPad995 allows you to organize your screenshots into groups you define.
So far, all you see of this cool application is a clipboard-like icon on the task bar. If you want to work with your new screenshots, click with your right mouse button on the icon an select the Show Quick Paste option. What you will see is a tiny, almost invisible window, in wich little thumbnails are listed on a column.
What options can you configure in ClipPad995?
The options window – accesible from the pop-up menu on the icon in the task bar or the Show Quick Paste window - consists of four tabs as follows:
General: here you set parameters of the application such as start on system startup, display icon in system tray, language, database path, masimum number of saved copies, play sound on copy, maximum clip size, among others.
Supported types: bitmap, dib, HTML, etc.
Keyboard shortcuts: you can customize the shortcuts as you like.
Quick paste: here you set parameters for the Quick Paste window such as text lines per row, popup positioning, font to use, ensure entire window is visible, find as you type option and so on.
What you should know is that if you don't use the clipboard of your system very much, maybe this application could be “too much trouble” for something as simple as take a screenshot.